Barker’s Farm and the land it sits on were purchased in 1917 by Willard Barker. He and his wife farmed a small part of the land and lived off the animals and produce they raised. In 1965, Warren, the grandson of Willard, and his wife Grace took over the farm and cleared more of the land for farming. They built a small farm stand and primarily operated the farm as a truck farm, growing produce and bringing it to Portsmouth by truck to sell.
Gordon Barker grew up farming with his parents, Warren and Grace, and lived at the farm until going to the University of New Hampshire. After some time away, Gordon returned to the farm and took it over from his parents. Edie became involved in the farm during 1983. She had studied horticulture at the University of New Hampshire with an interest in landscape design. Later, her focus was directed more on farming, and she joined Gordon working on the farm. In 1985, Gordon and Edie Barker built the new farm stand. Later, the greenhouses and out buildings were added, and the total farmed land was increased from 10 to 40 acres.
During 2009, Gordon died unexpectedly from a heart attack. Edie Barker now runs the farm with a close knit group of staff and friends. Gordon and Edie’s daughter, Forrest, who studied agriculture at Cornell University, assists at the farm.